Welcome to the Fork Side

I have been blogging for a long time. April 12th of 2005 was my very first one.

Talking to my sister today, she was trying to help me brainstorm a funny title for a food-focused blog. My Mistress of the Dorkness nickname served me well professionally (believe it or not, it's really just because no one can ever remember my name, even when I was the only woman in the room for years), so I asked if she could think of a food related pun to help me launch this page.

Long story bearable, we settled on "The Fork Side". 

But, as we kept talking, we realized my mental association of that was with Star Wars and the Dark Side, and hers was with Gary Larson and The Far Side.

Funny how two siblings can be so alike and yet so different!

We grew up appreciating The Far Side more than we did The Dark Side, but I think I have been hanging out with too many Star Wars fans through my work friends over the years. 

Personally, I am a bit more of a Trekkie myself. And if you have not tried The Orville yet, my sons and I definitely recommend it.

Welcome, my friends! I am sure we will learn a lot from each other!

Cooking homemade recipes low carb weight loss diet chicken beef pork vegetarian ingredients groceries cook home chef meal prep freezer cupboard preserves garden
