Leftover Revamp - Stuffed Chicken Pot Pie

Back in the day, Olive Garden had a recipe for Stuffed Chicken Marsala on their website, but I cannot find it there anymore! 

I did find a copy of the recipe that looks like the one I used here, so you can begin with that. 

HOT TIP: I also use this same stuffing in pork loin (butterflied and made into a nice roll).

My recipe today is not from the beginning, it is actually just for the leftovers (does anyone else's family sometimes have a problem with leftovers?). 

  • Dice up leftover stuffed chicken breasts
  • Mix with cream of mushroom soup
  • Mix in vegetables on hand (I recommend peas and diced carrots, but anything will work)
  • Top with canned crescent rolls
  • Bake at 350* until brown and bubbly
Serve with a little leftover marsala mushroom gravy, if you want to level up. 

This was SO GOOD! I feel like this was one of my best kitchen ideas ever.
