Recipe: Mushroom Quinoa


I have eaten quinoa a few times, but this was actually my first try cooking it. Turned out pretty well!

Quinoa - 2 cups
Dried mushrooms - 1 cup
Onions - To Taste
Chicken Broth - 3 cups
Butter / Olive Oil / Cooking Spray

  • Put dried mushrooms into a bowl and cover with 3 (or more) cups of broth. Allow to rehydrate in the fridge until reconstituted (I left mine for two days)
  • Once reconstituted, drain the mushrooms and broth (reserve broth)
  • Sautee reconstituted mushrooms and onions in a pan with the pan lubricant of your choice (butter, olive oil, cooking spray) until browned

  • Add the quinoa and toast for around minutes, stirring periodically
  • Add a cup of the reserved chicken/mushroom broth, bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 7 minutes

  • Lift lid, stir, add more broth as needed
  • Total cooking time should be around 15-20 mins, but just feel the moisture and try a nibble to see when it is finished

It won't be as silky smooth as risotto or polenta, but its still amazing in it's own right.
